Junior League of Little Rock Publication Redesign

Junior League of Little Rock Publication Redesign

One of my major projects this year has been serving as chair and and editor-in-chief of the Publications Committee of the Junior League of Little Rock. This committee handles all communication outlets of the League, including the website, social media, eblasts, photography, and an annual publication called Interaction.

When the year began, I was tasked with leading a redesign of Interaction. In addition to membership, copies of Interaction are distributed to sponsors, donors, community leaders, and potential new members, and we all agreed that as a tool for communicating the League's mission and impact to the community, we could be doing better.

We focused on three big changes to help make this redesign come to life: 


In the past, Interaction has not had a consistent structure from year to year or a discernible flow from start to finish. We decided to implement an editorial layout with recurring departments, such as a Q&A with the president, an infographic about community events and development, and a recipe from one of the League cookbooks. 


We wanted a layout that looked polished and clean, matched the overall brand of our League, and—another departure from previous issues—made use of some infographics and sidebars to break up content. We partnered with Amy Vaughn, a local freelance designer with experience in publishing, who provided beautiful design, cover options, and illustration. Couldn't have been happier with her work. 


When people pick up a copy of Interaction, and especially if they are not very familiar with the League, we want them to read real stories about the positive influence of the League in Little Rock and the women behind that action. Our writers—who are all volunteers, remember—did a fantastic job of not just recounting another year's statistics, but bringing our projects and initiatives to life through these stories.  

The publication is timed to come out right before the League's biggest fundraiser, Holiday House, which celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, making it an appropriate cover story. We had this edition of Interaction printed and distributed with Arkansas Graphics. It's also online—if you'd like to flip through, click here

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